Friday, April 18, 2008

Louise Cyphre - Discography

nearly everything of Louise Cyphre! skramz at it's best.

contains the louise cyphre songs from
- Demotape
- About life in a dead world - LP compilation
- Wenn wir Menschen... 7''
- Split-Floppydisc with The Apoplexy Twist Orchestra
- Split 10'' with The Apoplexy Twist Orchestra
- Friends don't eat each other - Tape compilation
- The emo armageddon - 7'' compilation
- Split 10'' with La Quiete
- Split 9'' with Shikari

- ganz recht, nicht schlecht
- willkommen im dschungel
- zappenduster
- klappe 1933, szene "stolz wie oskar, dumm wie brot" die 2te, action
- johnnie wayne complex
- doppeldenk

- an infinite repetition of a life-taking instant
- there's no biz like your showbiz

- der unendlichste brumaire
- KD Freital op 2719
- viva la danza, viva la rosa
- "alles ist gut"
- entrückt/entzückt
- me and you and the CPU

-et cetera

- eh bien, mon prince
- quadratur des zirkels
- ulbrich
- ein/aus maschine
- tabibuchua
- high noon am abend
- without rhyme and reason
- shut up!

- seelenhalma

- revolver a.k.a. schall und rauch
- for those about to destroy pigs
- in the end... everyone dies alone
- your punkrock our friendship

- laut, langsam; schmierig abgang a.k.a. packt die badehose ein
- rendezvous with tommy gun
- 1000 und eine nacht der lebenden toten
- poor little boy stuffed in drag
- the negative energy spectrum

password: screamsforyourheart


Anonymous said...

the link is down... reup it please?

Anonymous said...

try this one:

same content, no pass.